EVERBUILD WONDER WIPES are specially formulated for the building and allied trades to clean wet and semi-cured paints, sealants, adhesives, etc. Wonder wipes are active against most common bacteria found in the home and workplace.
WONDER WIPES also easily remove oil, grease petrol and inks, yet the powerful cleaning agents are still kind to hands.
Benefits of Everbuild Wonder Wipes
- Available in handy 100, 300 and 500 wipe tubs.
- Removes finger marks, dirt, grime, oil, grease, petrol inks, food stains, part cured sealant and paint smears.
- Do not use on porous surfaces such as untreated wood.
- Do not dispose of wipes in toilets.
- Use only as directed.
- Store only in original container
- As with all detergents, people with sensitive or damaged skin should avoid prolonged contact with skin.
- It is the users responsibility to determine suitability for use. If in doubt contact technical services department for advice.
Pull off lid and open closure. Find start wipe in centre of roll. Pull out approx 1 foot of wipes and thread through lid. Replace lid immediately and reseal closure. Wipe on hand/spills, use immediately for best results.
Store in cool dry conditions away from direct sunlight between 5 and 25oC. Storage outside these parameters will significantly reduce shelf life. Ensure good ventilation.
Shelf Life
36 months from date of manufacture